Describe the land or countryside where you live is it

Select a person from a cultural group different from your own and perform a cultural assessment by interviewing that person. Do not use a patient from your practice. Instead use a friend or colleague.

Once you select a person from another cultural group, complete the cultural assessment using questions 1 through 12 provided in the section Overview, Inhabited Localities, and Topography from the chapter "The Purnell Model for Cultural Competence" .

This assessment is based on Purnell's twelve domains of culture. Your assessment should cover all twelve boxes for the assignment to be complete. Use the grading criteria in the table below as a guide for what questions should be asked. For the sake of confidentiality, please do not reveal the name of the person you interview. Only use initials.

1. Where do you currently live?

2. What is your ancestry?

3. Where were you born?

4. How many years have you lived in the United States (or other country, as appropriate)?

5. Were your parents born in the United States (or other country, as appropriate)?

6. What brought you (your parents/ancestors) to the United States (or other country, as appropriate)?

7. Describe the land or countryside where you live. Is it mountainous, swampy, etc.?

8. Have you lived other places in the United States/world?

9. What was the land or countryside like when you lived there?

10. What is your income level?

11. Does your income allow you to afford the essentials of life?

12. Do you have health insurance?

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Other Subject: Describe the land or countryside where you live is it
Reference No:- TGS01044842

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