A. What are the qualities of a leader by examples? As a student, how do you manifest or show leadership in school
B. What are the particular characteristics of leadership by examples that you have possessed and you want to possess? Support your answer
C. Among the qualifications of a Good Christian leader,what would be the qualification that would fit unto you?
D. Do you agree with St.Paul financial reward should not enter leader's mind in the exercise of service? Why? How could you motivate a follower without the rewards?
E. Describe the kind of leadership of St.Peter?
F. As a Filipino Christian, how can we follow the leadership of St. Peter? Cite examples or incidence
G. "Filipinos are good speakers,but not good listeners". Comment on this quotation.
H. If you are asked to manage an organizatio, what participles will you apply to build a democratic community? Explain.
I. Read Psalm 23. What is it's message to you?