Describe the key role of energy producing countries

Discussion Post

Across the world, shifts from manufacturing to advanced manufacturing and service economies have resulted in a change in economic activity and electricity use. This discovery research is an opportunity to research the economic development of major energy producing countries.


• Conduct a literature review and then share your discoveries in the discussion. Let the discussion scope guide your discovery research. You are required to have at least three resources.

Initial post

• Provide specific examples that describe the key role energy (oils and natural gas) producing countries, such as Nigeria, Angola, and Equatorial Guinea, can play in their domestic economic growth.

• Provide specific examples to describe the key role of energy producing countries on the global market.

• Provide recommendations to encourage the efficient utilization of the energy resources in SSA.

• Take on the role of a consultant and propose some persuasive recommendations to encourage efficient utilization of the energy resources in SSA.

The response should include a reference list. One-inch margins, Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space and APA style of writing and citations.

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Microeconomics: Describe the key role of energy producing countries
Reference No:- TGS03146129

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