
Describe the key purpose for the assessment instrument


You need assistance with an assignment please. I am creating an educational program (i.e. online education/training for adults/caregivers in the assisted living field) and I need assistance with the "evaluation" of my program including the methods and strategies (which I have listed below in more detail).

Select TWO informal and ONE formal methods or strategies for gathering data (to evaluate the program). The informal can be anecdotal. At least one method (formal) should use quantitative measures that require the input of numbers or a graduated scale. Each of the three must include the following:

1. Provide the name of the process, e.g., Likert Survey, Semantic Differential Scale, Checklist.

2. Explain the type of instrument or activity e.g., formal or informal.

3. Describe the key purpose for the assessment instrument or activity. For example, identify the top three concerns of stakeholders or describe the concepts measured by the needs assessment instrument.

4. Describe the processes to be used for assessment of reliability and validity of the instrument(s) (test-retest reliability, internal consistency, validity, etc).

5. List guiding questions of the instrument or activity [Include a minimum of five and maximum of ten questions].

6. Describe the process of how the instrument or activity will be disseminated and collected, and where the raw data will be maintained, e.g. Online Survey Monkey (https://www.surveymonkey.com/), handout, e-mail, maintained in a confidential folder on your personal computer, etc.

7. Illustrate how the data will be analyzed, e.g. descriptive statistics (frequency, mode, median, mean, etc. Lodico, 2006, p. 75-81) or explain the data to measure each variable in the study.

8. Articulate how the findings will be reported. e.g. handout at staff meeting, e-mail, conversations, etc.

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Other Subject: Describe the key purpose for the assessment instrument
Reference No:- TGS01911334

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