
Describe the job that you currently hold or hope to hold

1. Describe your "job" as a student in terms of the job performance dimensions discussed in this chapter. What would be the benefit of approaching student performance from a behavior perspective rather than from an outcome (grades) perspective? What would the downsides of this approach be? How would grading policies in your classes have to change to accommodate a behavior approach to student performance?

2. Describe the job that you currently hold or hope to hold after graduation. Now look up that job in the 0*NET database. Does the profile of the job fit your expectations? Are any task behaviors missing from 0*NET's profile?

3. Describe a job in which citizenship behaviors would be especially critical to an organization's functioning, and one in which citizenship behaviors would be less critical. What is it about a job that makes citizenship more important?

4. Figure 2-3 classifies production deviance and political deviance as more minor in nature than property deviance and personal aggression. When might those "minor- types of counterproductive behavior prove especially costly?

5. Consider how you would react to 360-degree feedback. If you were the one receiving the feedback, whose views would you value most: your manager's or your peer's? If you were asked to assess a peer, would you want your opinion to affect that peer's raises or promotions?

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Business Management: Describe the job that you currently hold or hope to hold
Reference No:- TGS01109251

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