
Describe the issues the organization faced and the methods

Organizations have historically looked at restructuring as a means of dealing with productivity or revenue issues. For this activity, you are to search via the internet for an example of a company restructuring to deal with an issue. In your statement provide a link to the example you find, (INCLUDING APA CITATION) describe the issues the organization faced, and the methods for the restructuring of the organization. Comment also on your interpretation of whether the restructuring is likely to resolve the issues faced.

The discussion statement will be a minimum of 175-200 words in length. Discussion statements must follow the writing standards outlined in this syllabus. They are subject to the penalties discussed in the syllabus for not following the writing standards.

An assignment with more than three errors marked by the instructor on any one page is considered unacceptable and will receive an automatic letter grade reduction. Properly proofreading and correcting the paper before turning the paper into the instructor can avoid such. Using the Spell Checker, Grammar Checker, and writing facilities in the computer and writing labs can assist the editing process, but should not be used in exclusion of individual editing. Common Errors to watch for include:

Lack of conformity with the assignment (i.e., answering questions as posed, structuring the answer properly)

Correctly spelled, but inappropriate words (i.e., a word that spell check approves, but is incorrectly used: two for two)

Run-on sentences

Lack of capitalization at the beginning of a sentence

Serious errors in punctuation

Other serious grammatical errors

Improper citation or failure to use citations

Failure to properly use paragraph breaks Errors that will lead to automatic grade reductions include:

Any misspelled words

The use of the first person

The use of imperatives

Failure to use citations and quotations as appropriate

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Operation Management: Describe the issues the organization faced and the methods
Reference No:- TGS02869854

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