
Describe the issue and region or area you selected include

Assignment: Working With Diverse Populations

Human services professpnals working WI. diverse pcpulMonsotten lace challenges because of the clients' venous values and Whets. Long-establshed betels (and someames tears) mayinfluence chants' access lo services and resou«es. interienng with your Mabry to practice as a professional.

For the Assignment. select a key issue re/ated to working wth a diverse poputtawn of clients in a specific region a area. Consider key bares, to making 'ewes for tha poptialion and how you might overcome then barriers

Write a 3- to 4- page paper that addresses the following:

Describe the issue and region or area you selected. Include the population of clients, and be sure to use official resources when obtaining this demographic information.

Explain challenges for human services professionals practicing in the region or area you selected. Include key barriers to providing services (e.g., language, accessibility, social stigma).

Explain a strategy or process to assist with reducing prejudice, stereotyping, or bias in accessing services related to the issue you selected.

Include how you, as the human services professional, might implement this strategy or process in the region or area you selected

Proper formatting and APA citations are required. Refer to the Writing Template for Course Papers for additional guidance.

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Dissertation: Describe the issue and region or area you selected include
Reference No:- TGS02270693

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