Question 1 The agency which provides assistance in resolving negotiation impasses between federal agencies and unions in the federal government is the:
- Federal Labor Relations Authority.
- Federal Service Impasse Panel (FSIP).
- Merit System Protection Board (MSPB).
- Civil Service Reform Act (CSRA).
Question 2 The quasi-judicial agency that hears appeals from federal employees who allege violations of their employment rights is the:
- Federal Labor Relations Authority.
- Federal Service Impasse Panel (FSIP).
- Merit System Protection Board (MSPB).
- Civil Service Reform Act (CSRA).
Question 3 The laws which give citizens the opportunity to provide more input into how tax dollars are spent by their involvement and openness are called:
- Sunset Laws.
- Dawning Laws.
- Open-forum Laws.
- Sunshine Laws.
Question 4 The term used to describe the involvement of multiple parties in the collective bargaining process, particularly at the state and local levels is called:
- End-run bargaining.
- Sunshine Law.
- Multilateral bargaining.
- Interest arbitration.