
Describe the instructional designer


Part 1

I am thinking of converting classroom-based instruction to a different delivery medium. I heard about broadcast instruction, audio-video conferencing, and other distance learning applications but am unsure about the delivery method of each. Eventually I will be writing a report to my boss addressing the following components:

1. Identify different instructional media that could be used to replace or supplement the classroom.

2. Describe synchronous and asynchronous learning environments and media that support them (such as broadcast instruction, audio-video conferencing, correspondence, web-based instruction, computer-based instruction, etc.).

3. Evaluate the different media by identifying the particular strengths and weaknesses as they apply to the instructional process in your organizational setting.

4. Describe how the instructional designer can use the media in certain learning situations.

5. Identify some considerations/metrics the instructional designer would use in the selection of the most appropriate instructional media for any given learning situation.

Part 2

An integral component of instructional design is the development of instructional strategies that support the attainment of the instructional objective(s). While the most significant factor in student learning is quality instruction, the most important single factor in media selection is the instructional objective with the result of improving human performance. To that end, the level of (cognitive) objectives is a critical variable to consider when selecting the most appropriate media. For this assignment, consider the two statements listed below and provide your rationale as to the efficacy of each statement:

1. Asynchronous media may be more appropriate for the lower cognitive levels where knowledge, comprehension, repetition/drill, and practice are the primary focus.

2. Synchronous media may be more appropriate for the higher cognitive levels (synthesis/analysis/evaluation) where a synchronous learning environment may be required to support a high level of interaction.

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Other Subject: Describe the instructional designer
Reference No:- TGS01930425

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