Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum,
1) Read Understanding the competitive advantages of full service outsourcing in the make vs. buy decision.
2) Read Chapter 8: Capital Budgeting from Using Accounting and Financial Information: Analyzing, Forecasting, and Decision Making.
For your initial post, describe a situation in work or home life where you needed to seek approval for a project or significant purchase. At work, examples include a new opportunity, a large purchase, or to hire and fill a new position. For a home life situation, examples include buying a new home or car or taking a big trip. In your post,
1) Describe the information you need to support your proposal.
2) Describe the data you collected and how you presented the data.
3) Explain how you presented the pros and cons of moving forward with your proposal.
4) Describe if your project or proposal was accepted and the reasons why.