Assignment: Describe international standard diagnosis classification use in the US health care reimbursement and billing system.
Utilizing your textbook and the Library:
• Describe the importance of proper coding in healthcare to ensure prompt reimbursement by answering the following questions:
• Describe the role of finance in the healthcare system.
• Describe the Diagnosis codes and how they are used, impacting reimbursement.
• Describe the features of third-party payers
• Explain the reimbursement methods used and the effects of coding on reimbursement
Requirements: • Responses to the questions should be written in a clear, detailed manner and observe the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.).
• Follow APA formatting for the title and reference page, as well as APA formatting within the paper itself (Times New Roman 12-point font and properly double spaced).
• The minimum page limit is 3 pages or 900 words.
• The maximum page limit is 4 pages or 1,200 words.
• Information should be summarized in your own words with appropriate APA formatting and citation style of in-text citations in the body of the text to acknowledge the source(s) of information.
• Include at least one reference.All references will follow APA format.
• Follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, etc.).
• Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics.