
Describe the identity of the colonizer


A. Describe the process of colonization according to Frantz Fanon in "On Violence". In other words, describe the identity of the colonizer and the identity of the colonized in a colonial "context". Who creates these identities and why?

B. What is "decolonization"? What is the difference between "real" decolonization and a superficial, short-term one?

C. Why must the process of decolonization be a violent process according to Frantz Fanon?

D. What is the difference between "receiving" freedom and "seizing" freedom according to Frantz Fanon? Under what conditions of colonialism would it be a bad idea to "receive" freedom from the colonizer? Why? Under what conditions of colonialism would it be better to "seize" freedom from the colonizer? Why?

E. Whom does Frantz Fanon trust with the task of bringing about "real" freedom for a colonized nation? The educated middle class or the absolute have nots, in other words the Earth's "wretched"? Why does Fanon trust the one over the other to lead the struggle for freedom against the colonizer?

F. Can you pick at least 2 passages from "On Violence" that stand out for you? Why do they stand out? What do they tell you that you have never heard or thought of before in connection with liberation, decolonization, violence?


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English: Describe the identity of the colonizer
Reference No:- TGS03334489

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