Describe the history and current issues of the israel

Problem 1: Political question: What should the U.S. do about our close friendship with Israel, given the extremist gov't that has recently taken charge, which is trying to roll back democratic institutions?

Problem 2: Briefly describe the history and current issues of the Israel, focusing on modern political history. For example, has it been a violent or peaceful history? Was it ever occupied by another country, or was it even once the colony of another country? What types of governments has it had? If relevant, you may want to discuss any religious conflicts or natural disasters. Most importantly, what has been its relationship with the United States?

Problem 3: Describe what you feel are the most important U.S. vital interest in Israel. What needs or goals does America have with regard to Israel?

Problem 4: Using the instruments of foreign policy, offer a recommendation to the President that answers the policy question you have been assigned. Support your recommendations with reasoned explanation. Provide evidence to show why your recommendations would be the best policy for America and for the world.

Problem 5: How does these questions help answer the political question?

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