
Describe the healthcare organization

Assignment task:

Part A: Examine a healthcare organization that has significance to you, using the American Hospital Directory (AHD) and the Care Compare websites found in the Web Links section, and complete the following:

1. Identify the healthcare organization you selected from the AHD by name and location.

2. Explain why you chose the healthcare organization in part A1 and any significance the organization has to you, including specific examples.

3.  Describe (suggested length 1-2 paragraphs) the healthcare organization from A1 and the "type of facility" it is, according to AHD website, and the types of services this kind of facility typically provides.

a. Explain what the "type of control", according to AHD website, means for this healthcare organization identified in part A1 and how it informs the services typically provided at this healthcare organization.

4. Discuss the facility's Overall Star Rating from the Care Compare website and identify how the Star Rating is measured.  If the facility does not have an Overall Star Rating explain why.

a. Identify one credible additional source of quality data on healthcare organizations.

5. Discuss two organizational ethics that are reflected in the type of facility and the type of control listed for this organization, including specific examples.

6. Discuss the nurse's role in fiscal responsibility for this type of organization related to value-based care, including specific examples.

7. Describe one healthcare organizational change that could improve the delivery of value-based healthcare for the healthcare organization from part A1.

PART B: Compare the financial structure and data of the healthcare organization you discussed in part A with another organization listed on the AHD and Care Compare websites that is within the same or an adjacent state, including specific examples from each healthcare organization.

1. Discuss which healthcare organization from part B is more aligned with value-based healthcare, including one scholarly evidence source published within the last five years to support the discussion.

2. Discuss which healthcare organization from part B is more supportive of equitable patient-centered care, including one scholarly evidence source published within the last five years to support the discussion.

3. Discuss one financial and one quality data source that could inform organizational transformation in any healthcare organization.

Part C: Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

Part D: Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

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Other Subject: Describe the healthcare organization
Reference No:- TGS03378934

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