
Describe the health care product you selected and analyze

1. Before delving into this assignment, you must derive an introductory paragraph(s) on the effect of marketing and communication techniques used in marketing health products. For example, flyers, billboards, internet ads, and social media organizations are using, both contemporary and traditional techniques to engage their target consumers.

2. Also analyze business and consumer populations in the market

You must identify the product to market then view the assignment below:

Assignment Topic: Marketing and Communication Techniques for Health Care Products

When selecting marketing and communication techniques, health care organizations must carefully examine their consumer populations, as not all techniques are effective for all consumers. Depending on the product, organizations might even choose two or three different techniques in an effort to reach multiple consumer segments. For this Assignment, you examine the consumer populations of your organization and create an advertisement using marketing and communication techniques appropriate for your consumers.

To prepare:

- Select a health care product to market within your organization.

Note: If you do not currently work for a health care organization, select one that is of interest to you. You may use the same organization you selected in Week 3.

- Identify the consumer population of your organization, including general and business consumer.

- Consider traditional and/or contemporary marketing techniques that may be appropriate for your consumer population (i.e., brochure, flyer, video commercial, audio commercial, billboard, social media, etc.). Reflect on why you might select this technique and how you might use it to market the product.

- With the marketing technique you select in mind, consider how you might create an advertisement to market the health care product and what communication techniques might be appropriate for your population.

The Assignment

Write a 2-page brief that addresses the following:

- Describe the health care product you selected.

- Analyze the consumer population of your health care organization.

- Recommend a marketing technique that is appropriate for your consumer population (i.e., brochure, flyer, video commercial, audio commercial, billboard, social media, etc.). Include why you selected this technique and how you will use it to market the product you selected.

- Recommend one or two communication techniques that are appropriate for the consumer population.

Then, create an advertisement using the marketing technique you selected. Be sure to utilize communication techniques that would be appropriate for the consumer population you identified.

Note: Your Assignment must be written in standard edited English. Be sure to support your work with at least five high-quality references, including two from peer-reviewed journals. See the Week 8 Assignment rubric for additional requirements related to research and scholarly writing.

Reading Materials

1. Theory and Model Use in Social Marketing Health Interventions by NADINA RALUCA LUCA and L. SUZANNE SUGGS

2. One CEO attacks bait-and-switch marketing by Enos, Gary A

3. New Media but Same Old Tricks: Food Marketing to Children in the Digital Age by Bridget Kelly, Stefanie Vandevijvere, Becky Freeman and Gabrielle Jenkin

4. Just telling and selling: current limitations in the use of digital media in public health by C. Clar, M. Dyakova, K. Curtis, C. Dawson, P. Donnelly, L. Knifton, and A. Clarke.

5. Incorporating Patients' Preferences Into Medical Decision Making by Liana Fraenkel

6. A study on the Behavior Change Communication in the social marketing of condoms by S. Yaaminidevi

7. Addressing vaccine hesitancy: The potential value of commercial and social marketing principles and practices by Glen J. Nowaka, Bruce G. Gellinb, Noni E. MacDonaldc and Robb Butlerd

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Dissertation: Describe the health care product you selected and analyze
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