
Describe the goal as target behaviors


I am not quite sure how to go about making a "behavioral contract", what is the format? can you please give me some ideas on how to go about quitting smoking other than just quitting cold turkey, i have been trying to quit for years now with no success.

Select a goal: My goal is quit smoking

It is critical that your goal be measurable, attainable, positive, and significant to you.

Describe the goal as target behaviors. What specific behaviors do you want to increase or decrease?

1. Choose a means of monitoring your progress, such as a chart or a behavioral diary.

2. Write a contract that states all of the above points and specifies both internal and external consequences for actions in a realistic time frame, such as short-term rewards for adhering to the contract and a long-term reward for meeting the goals.


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Other Subject: Describe the goal as target behaviors
Reference No:- TGS01896452

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