Understanding Linux Report
Clearly state your results for this project. You are expected to hand in a report in the following format:
• A Cover Page including:
o Lab title
o Course, section number, and instructor name
o Your name and email address
• Use double-spaced type for convenient grading
• Number pages. Font size 12. Single column.
• Save the Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) document with your name in the title. Upload the document into the appropriate submission area.
The report should have the following sections. Each section should cover all the topics described below (you do not need to itemize each topic). Take screenshots if it is necessary:
Section I: Introduction
You should cover the following topics: Describe the goal and motivation of this project. In addition to what has been stated in the project instruction, please explain your own expectations in this project.
Section II: Task 1 - Navigating the Linux File system
You should cover the following parts:
• Briefly describe the Linux operating system.
• Describe the commands you tried (e.g. cd, man, ls), their main functionality, and their most important options. Provide screenshots of two commands.
Section III: Task 2 - the CHMOD command
You should cover the following parts:
• Briefly describe CHMOD.
• Provide screenshots of your "Hello World!" script.
Section IV: Task 3 - Setting Permissions
You should cover the following parts:
• Provide screenshots (and comment on them) of Step 1 and Step 4.
• Answer the questions at Step 11. Provide a screenshot showing what happens when you log in as Bill.