
Describe the generic steps involved in workplace training

Answer the following questions:

Q1: I have a problem and need your help. I am running a small shop/convenience store. I am doing pretty well and we employ five people to cover nights and weekends. However some of the people I employ are not as effective in the job as I think they could be. They often turn up late for work. They have a bad attitude with customers. They don't always do what they are told to do — or do it badly. I am thinking of introducing a 360 degree performance appraisal system. Please tell me who would do the appraising if this approach is implemented. Also indicate how such a system may help me get more out of my employees.

Q2: Describe the generic steps involved in workplace training. Using these steps as a guide, give an example an employer may prepare a shop cashier (person who has to ring-up sales behind the counters to use new computer-based cash register technology

Q3: Suppose you are the chairman of a selection committee and you are looking to employ a bus driver for your employer. You have an applicant pool of 10 suitably qualified people who could — in your opinion — do the job. What strategy(s) will you use to select the most appropriate candidate? Give reasons for your choice(s) and indicate why you have rejected some potential strategies and favored others

Q4: What is the nature of the relationship between workplace training ans work performance appraisal? Give a simple example to illustrate the main point(s) you are making

Q5: When it comes to recruitment, we sometimes make a distinction between sources and methods. Explain this distinction. Give the example of the recruitment of a bus driver to illustrate how this distinction might work in practice.

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Other Management: Describe the generic steps involved in workplace training
Reference No:- TGS01750733

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