Be sure to provide in-text citation(s) and a reference list to support your viewpoints. Please use at least three (3) research sources (not Wikipedia, or fact sheets). Please do so in ALL subsequent submissions.
Infectious Disease Epidemiology: Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. Retrieved on 10/1/13 from
Infectious Diseases: Definition. Retrieved on 10/1/13 from
Stanbury M, Anderson H, Blackmore C, Fagliano J, Heumann M, Kass D,McGeehin M. (2012).Functions of environmental epidemiology and surveillance in state health departments. Retrieved on 11/27/13 from
In this SLP assignment, write a paper in which you do the following:
1. Describe the four (4) common causes of chronic diseases.
2. Discuss effective preventive efforts for diabetes that must oc¬cur to yield health benefits.