Describe the focus of your speech in the space below list

Speaking Rhetoric - Your Turn Assignment

DIRECTIONS: Follow the steps below write the first draft of your speech.


1 Choose an essay to transform into a speech.
2 Narrow or shift the focus of your speech.
3 Choose details for your hook, body, and clincher.
4 Choose an organizational pattern for the body of your speech.
3 Draft your speech.

Step 1: Choose an essay to transform into a speech. The essay you choose should develop a theme or tell a story that has a point. Two of the writing assignments in this course include just such an assignment. If you completed these lessons already, you can use the essay you wrote for one of those assignments. If you did not complete these lessons yet, you'll need to find another narrative or thematic essay that you've written--or find or even write a new one just for this assignment.

Type your title of your essay in the space below.

Step 2: Narrow or shift the focus of your speech. Your essay may contain too much detail to work as a speech. Remember that a speech is more compelling (for most audiences) if it lasts no longer than fifteen minutes. Identify a theme or focus for your speech that is more narrow than the focus in your essay, if you think you would need more than fifteen minutes to convey the essay's ideas.

Describe the focus of your speech in the space below.

Step 3: Choose details for your hook, body, and clincher. The order in which you say details or make points can be quite different in a speech, compared to an essay on the same topic. For example, the hook is much more important for a speech because you want to get listeners' attention very quickly, and completely. Scan the sentences and details in your essay to see which ones are mostly likely to create a stir or raise interesting questions in listeners' minds. Feel free to rewrite those sentences to sound more dramatic or intriguing.

List the details (or copy and paste sentences) from your essay that will appear in each part of your speech.


Teachers don't get to teach students of the same age always. They have to deal with both children and relatively older students. For different age groups, different strategies have to be implied but there are some problems that occur for students of all age groups. Building punctuality in the students is a must for students. For that, encouraging actions must be Clincher:

Step 4: Choose an organizational pattern for the body of your speech. Deciding on a pattern for your speech can make it much easier to select details that will appear in the body section. (You may not have time to include them all.) Make sure that the pattern you choose can support your overall theme or point, though.

In the space below, identify or describe the organizational pattern you chose.

Step 5: Draft your speech. Using the notes you recorded in the previous four steps, write your speech out more or less as you would say it. You don't have to include every single word you would say, but you need to write out the most important statements and list the most important details. As you write, keep in the mind the suggestions in this lesson about avoiding wordiness, making your sentences easy to follow when heard aloud, and using simpler rather than more obscure language.

In the space below, copy and paste your essay. Then, edit the essay to transform it into a speech instead.

I have come across many teachers some of whom are great and some of them are of the average quality. But, there are some common situations which all of them have experienced in their teaching career. As a non-teacher from the outside, it may seem to us that a teacher's job is very easy. But, we often fail to understand the difficulties they go through every day. Some problems like non-attentive students, students who always complete their task very late, students having no interest in the subject matter, are kinds of stuff which we have heard before or it can be the case that we, in our childhood were like these only. If these situations and problems continue to occur every day, we can very well guess how the mental condition of the teacher will be like. So, here I will discuss some easy strategies to follow to handle these kinds of situations with an ace. Because teachers are a big pillar of the society and obviously we wouldn't want them to face the same problems every day. I know that every teacher has their unique teaching styles but these strategies can help every teacher out there.

First of all, let's talk about the punctuality of the students. We have always seen in our classes that one or two students who are always late in completing and submitting any given task be it assignments, projects, or a thesis paper. This will obviously lead to the students lesser marks and ultimately the grades will start to fall. For the teacher also, this is a headache that he/she have to wait for the student to submit and to check another one or two tasks separately. What can a teacher do in this situation? the teacher can take up some encouraging actions. When a teacher gives constructive feedback to a student for the task done it can encourage and inspire the student to do well. We all love some appreciation for our hard work, the same goes for the students. When they get positive or at least some valuable feedback from the teacher he/she will try to hold on to the standard or better it. On the other hand, if no feedback is given, a misconception can build inside the student that a perfect, error-free task has been done. So, it is a must to give the correct feedbacks.

When students don't get enough time or opportunity to revise or modify their task it is often seen that the task still contains several mistakes. This can be avoided by giving them sufficient time considering the difficulty level and length of the task. Every human has different speed and methods for conducting any work, in the students' case the same factor applies, so this should also be kept in mind by the teachers.

The most important strategy that I will be telling today is maintaining proper and regular communication with the students and the students' parents. You will always find some student in the class, after whom no matter however much effort you put, they never show any interest in what is being taught. It may be the case that they are facing some problem.

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