APA-style research paper to discuss energy topics, as follows:
• In your own words, describe the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics.
• Explain how these scientific laws apply to energy use, energy conversions, and the need for energy efficiency.
• Describe the pros and cons of the following energy types, writing 1 paragraph for each:
o Fossil fuel: Oil, natural gas, and coal
o Nuclear energy
o Solar energy
o Wind power
o Water (hydro) power
In the United States, 29% of all of the energy consumed is used for transportation; this is second only to electricity generation (39%). Watch this short video on using algae for producing fuel: Energy 101 | Algae-to-Fuels.
• Which characteristics make algae the most competitive as a fuel source? Which make it the most environmentally friendly?
• With what you have learned in assessing the pros and cons of other energy sources, how does fuel from algae compare?