In your case example provide a scenario and explain the situation. (Note: the case study should include a family member and child).
Following the development of your case study, respond to each of the following questions and incorporate and cite at least two credible resources in your responses.
- Describe the factors that indicate a (chronic or fatal) medical condition was present and its impact on the family.
- Describe the risk factors, stressors, and challenges the family member faced in his or her parenting situation due to the medical condition.
- How does understanding these risk factors, stressors, and challenges help you support the family member within your professional counselor role?
- Give two strategies that you would use to ensure that the family member and their child receive the support they need.
When commenting to other students' posts; address why you feel their strategies will or will not work. Give at least 1 positive comment. If you disagree, be sure to explain why.