
Describe the evolution of social movements in bolivia

A summary of this book called " Evo's Bolivia: Continuity and Change ( by Linda C. Farthing). i need answers of following questions fom this book. 

 Describe the evolution of social movements in Bolivia, especially since 1952.  In  what ways were they a reaction to the history of Bolivia?  How did these set the stage for the creation of MAS and the Evo Morales presidency?  What sort of country did the MAS inherit?  What formidable challenges did they face?    


2.How did the Constituent Assembly and the new Constitution seek to transform Bolivia?  How did they reveal the strengths and weaknesses of MAS?   What was the reaction from Santa Cruz?  How did this lead to a second term for Evo?  What does "reinventing the state" mean?  How are representation, rights and status being expanded?                


3.What is currently the basis of the Bolivian economy?  In what ways is this a legacy of the colonial past?  How has Evo sought to transform it?  What obstacles, both foreign and domestic, does he face?  To what degree has he succeeded?  What fundamental problems remain?  Provide examples.


4.Discuss Vivir Bien.  What is this concept?  How specifically has it been applied to health and education?  What countries have helped in this effort?  How successful has this policy been?  Provide examples.


5.Discuss the issue of land.  How is land used?  Who owns it, by region?  How successful have past reform efforts been, especially since 1953?  What is different under Evo?  Be specific.  How does coca and drug policy complicate matters?  What does reconceptualizing drug policy mean?


6.Discuss the path ahead.  What has the MAS accomplished?  What difficulties remain?  What do YOU see as the way forward?  Explain.

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History: Describe the evolution of social movements in bolivia
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