
Describe the evolution of public health



• Explore public health pioneers and their contributions to the field.

Course outcome assessed/addressed in this assignment:

Describe the evolution of public health, the impact it has had on history, and its future development from a local perspective to a global perspective.


• Introduction

• The notable public health figure that you plan to write about

o Early years and education

o Where he/she lived and worked

o Specific core discipline he/she is associated with

o Historic era this figure positively impacted

• The public health endeavor this figure positively affected

o Why he/she was compelled to act (circumstances that called for action, i.e.: a certain disease, unsanitary conditions contributing to a major outbreak, etc.)

o This figure's role in causing positive change.

• Steps this figure took to effect change (methods and protocols)

• Results of the figure's efforts

• Any obstacles, barriers or ethical dilemmas that were faced

• The local up to global impacts achieved

• Conclusion

• Reference page


The Final Project outline should be formatted as follows:

• Title Page (1 page)

• Main Body (minimum 300 words)

• Reference List (1 page): All references that are cited in the text must appear here in APA format. Full credit will not be given if a reference list is not provided. You may use the references from the Final Project plan submitted in Unit 3. Be sure to also include any new sources used to complete the outline.

• Header: Consisting of the first three words of your title and page number in the upper right hand margin of your page, beginning on the cover page.

• Running head: If your title is more than three words, you must include a running head.

• Per APA format: 1" margins, doubled spaced, Times New Roman style and size 12 font.

I. Introduction

II. Maxamus Aralias:

A. Born 1843 to Bernard and Teresa Aralias and 12 older siblings. The family lived in dire poverty in County Glenn, Ireland.

B. As a child, Maxamus was hired by a local Catholic priest assisting him care for the needed in his parish.

1. Maxamus assisted in the priest, Father O'Mally clean the wounds of poor  community members, feed the sick, and clean the "sick bays" of those who sought refuge and care from the priest and his volunteer staff.

2. Father O'Mally saw in Maxamus unique talent and natural empathy for those in need. Wanting to pay back Maxamus for his many years of service to the sick and poor, Father O'Mally raised money for him to go to school at Longhorn University in Ireland when Maxamus was 19 years old.

3. Maxamus studied under the greatest medical minds in Ireland at the time. However, he found disease prevention was most needed and pursued efforts to learn as much about disease prevention and health promotion, most especially for the dire poor in Ireland.

III. Maxamus Aralias Earned His Degree in Disease Prevention in 1866 from Longhorn University.

A. Aralias when back to County Glen, Ireland where he began to fight disease and illness through prevention efforts.

1. Aralias focused on sanitation; both within the communities and in hospital and clinic settings.

2. He physically led by example by getting on his hands and knees and cleaned every inch of the hospitals, teaching staff how to sanitize equipment, floors, walls, bedding etc.

3. He lectured to doctors, hospital staff and community residents, explaining disease prevention measures.

4. Maxamus wrote articles for newspapers, books and posted fliers in an effort to teach community residents about the need to prevent disease.

B. Five years after beginning his programs, a drastic decrease was noted in communicable diseases in not only County Glen, but in areas that made what Maxamus taught a reality in their communities.

IV. Maxamus Aralias Faced Many Challenges in his Career

A. Poverty

B. Ridicule

C. New disease outbreaks

D. Severe arthritis and asthmatic episodes

V. Maxamus Aralias took many steps to improve the sanitation in Ireland and decrease disease outbreaks:

A. Sterilization of hospitals, sick bays, equipment, homes

B. Promoted wound care and sterile treatments

C. Lectured on topics, such as; barrier protections and other disease prevention methods

D. Begged for funding, used his own earnings to pay for supplies and print pamphlets and fliers

VI. Results of Maxamus Aralias Efforts:

A. Decrease in communicable diseases in Ireland

B. Decrease in morbidity and mortality rates related to communicable diseases

C. Increase in schools dedicated to teaching disease prevention and health promotion in Ireland and England

VII. Local and Global Impacts of Aralias' Efforts

A. Advanced knowledge and understanding in the area of disease prevention both locally and globally.

B. Improved sanitation across Ireland and the world

C. Decrease morbidity and mortality in his own time and future outcomes

VIII. Conclusion

IX. References

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