
Describe the etiology and prognosis of the particular

Question: 1. Medical Aspects of Disability. Using the information from the case study, choose ONE of the aforementioned injuries and/or illness (ADD, Alcohol Dependence, lower back injury, carpal tunnel syndrome, mental retardation, severe learning disability) and respond to items (a)-(e) below.

a. Describe the etiology and prognosis of the particular disability/impairment you chose.

b. Discuss specific diagnostic procedures and evaluations that would typically be associated with the assessment of this type of disability.

c. State specific functional limitations that are directly associated with this disability/impairment.

d. Discuss vocational concerns or factors related to employment of persons who have been diagnosed with this type of disability/impairment.

e. Describe specific treatment interventions/strategies for persons with this type of disability.

2. Theory and Techniques for Individual Counseling. Using the above case study, answer the following. Identify a counseling theory that you believe would be appropriate to use with Joan and write an essay that addresses a-e below. Then, identify a counseling theory that you believe would be inappropriate to use with the Joan and explain why the theory would be inappropriate.

a. Identify which theoretical perspective you plan to use as a foundation for your work with the client you choose and explain why this approach is the best way to address the issues and needs that are presented by the client. Include specific case-based information that you think justifies your choice of approach.

b. Identify the key concepts that define and describe this approach and that set it apart from other approaches.

c. Given the approach you chose, what do you see as your primary role(s) when working with this client; and what role(s) will you expect of your client?

d. Identify at least three specific counseling interventions (techniques and/or strategies) you will use to apply your chosen approach with the client, describe
how you will implement each of the interventions, and tell what outcome(s) you expect from each of them.

e. What multi-cultural or cross-cultural issues or concerns do you need to keep in mind as you work with this client, and how might you adjust your work to demonstrate cultural competence?

3. Group Dynamics. Discuss the type of group that you believe would provide the greatest gain for Joan. Be sure to explain why this group would be most effective. Then identify and discuss five of Yalom's eleven therapeutic factors as they related specifically to Joan. Include a discussion of the pros and cons with regard to group work given the specifics of the client's specific case.

4. Career and Lifestyle Development. Apply one theory of career development to Joan's career development. Your application must include identifying and defining the theory's key constructs.

5. Vocational Services in Rehabilitation. Using the case study, discuss the following:

a. What are the important issues to consider when planning a vocational assessment with the Joan? (Include issues that may be of concern when administering any type of assessment.)

b. Explain the process of job placement and how it fits into the overall rehabilitation process. What methods and procedures might you employ to assist Joan in finding a suitable placement? (Address transferable skills, job development and job placement strategies.)

6. Vocational Assessment. As Joan's rehabilitation counselor, it has come to your attention that several of the instruments used during the vocational evaluation process may have been unreliable and invalid.

a. Given the above concern, please define and give an example of reliability and validity.

b. To assist in addressing your concern, you reviewed the test manuals to review the types of reliability and validity reported. You discover that the types of reliability reported included: test-retest reliability, alternative form reliability, split-half reliability, coefficient alpha, and inter-scorer reliability. Please define and give an example of each type of reliability.

c. You further discover that the test manual reported the following types of validity: content validity, face validity, criterion-related validity (including concurrent and predictive validity), and construct validity (including convergent and discriminant validity). Please define and give an example of each type of validity.

7. Introduction to Rehabilitation. Each member of the family has an impairment.

(a) Discuss the implications of at least two public policies (i.e., federal legislation) for each family member. NOTE: A Adiscussion@ involves more than simply making a statement along the lines of the ADA prohibits discrimination in employment setting. Furthermore, you cannot use the same specific public policy for more than two individuals.

(b) Discuss the economic, medical, and minority group disability models in relation to how your
practicing from each model would impact, negatively and/or positively, each member of the family.

8. Human Growth and Development: Please identify Erik Erikson's eight (8) stages of growth and development, and identify the life task associated with each state.

9. Research: Briefly explain the difference between quantitative and qualitative research in:

(a) Purpose,

(b) approach, and

(c) results.

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Dissertation: Describe the etiology and prognosis of the particular
Reference No:- TGS02708483

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