After making notes on your observations you will need to address the following questions as a part of a short summary paper.
A. Describe the primate species you are observing (origins, common & scientific names, native habitats, etc.). Why did you select these species over the other available for observation?
B. Present the methodology employed for the project (how you collected your data).
C. Describe the environment the primates are kept in and when you observed them.
D. Describe the primate groups (total # and breakdown by age/adults/juveniles/babies & sex)
E. Describe the physical characteristics (color, size, teeth, tail?, sexual dimorphism, etc.) and the primates locomotion (moving around, climbing, picking up things, etc.)
F. Describe the primate's behavior and interaction (eating, chasing, vocalizing, grooming, carrying/being carried, dominance, submission, forming coalitions, courtship/mounting, and interactions with humans.)
G. Do the behaviors you observed at the zoo reflect the primates' behavior in the wild? Are any issues affecting these primates in their native areas of the world (declining populations, poaching, threatened habitat, etc.?)
H. Summarize & conclude the mini-research project. What did you learn?