
Describe the effect of not considering quality - what is

1. Which of the following statements are true in relation to quality and the project budget?

A. Potentially higher costs of components

B. Potentially higher costs of skilled staff or higher-end service providers

C. Additional resources committed to developing quality processes, quality education and training, and QC

D. All the given answers are correct.

2. What does the line represent on a Pareto chart?

A. Cumulative total of each category

B. The number of problems

C. The number of faults

D. All the given answers are correct.

3. Which of the following would not typically be seen on a run chart?


B. Average line


D. Cumulative percentage line

4. Which of the following is not a pattern typically seen on a run chart?

A. Saw tooth

B. See-saw

C. Cycle

D. Run or Rule of 7

5. Which of these uses the simple five-bar gate to collect a count of problems (for example)?

A. Checklist

B. Check sheet

C. Run chart

D. Pareto chart

6. Which of the following questions could prompt lessons learned around quality?

A. What went well (and why)?

B. What didn't go well (and why)?

C. What would we do differently next time?

D. All the given answers are correct.

7. Which one of these is not true about processes in a project environment?

A. They provide a repeatable process for the implementation of a project management framework

B. They provide a baseline from which continuous improvement can take place

C. They can ensure that roles and activities are clearly delineated

D. They provide a platform for the project team to deviate from

8. Which of the following would not be an example of an internal source for quality criteria of a project?

A. Government legislation and policy

B. Project management methodology

C. PMO governance

D. Company processes and procedures

9. Although quality is the responsibility of everyone, quality should be further defined down to specific roles within the project team and suppliers to ensure quality is checked at planned intervals.

True False

10. The core principle of LEAN is to create customer value while minimising waste.

True False

11. Product specifications as described in a technical specification sheets are not quality specifications.

True False

12. Checking that the project itself is meeting quality requirements is a quality activity.

True False

13. Considering the CoQ is only important once the Planning phase of the project is entered.

True False

14. Checklists are useful for ensuring that tasks have been carried out and therefore could be considered as a quality control tool.

True False

15. Benchmarking allows for a parameter to be compared against a start value, an industry average or other companies.

True False

16. Higher quality usually means higher costs.

True False

17. The design of comprehensive quality control processes and general continuous improvement activities ensures that quality is being applied and improved throughout the life of the project.

True False

18. Compliance with any overarching quality systems that may exist within an organisation is the responsibility of the project manager.

True False

19. Inclusion of training and education of internal or external staff responsible for ensuring that quality deliverables are achieved by the project is the responsibility of the project manager.

True False

20. Understanding QA, with respect to project quality management planning and as with many activities in project management, is carried out to various levels of detail as the project moves from the Initiation phase through to the Planning phase.

True False

21. The Scope Management Plan clearly defines the QA requirements and how the QC will be carried out to ensure these requirements are met.

True False

22. What is the purpose of processes and flow charting in relation to quality?

23. Describe why continuous improvement is important to a project environment.

24. List and describe the quality activities often carried out during the Initiation phase of the project life cycle.

25. List and describe the quality activities often carried out during the Planning phase of the project life cycle.

26. List and describe the quality activities often carried out during the Execution phase of the project life cycle.

27. List and describe the quality activities often carried out during the Closing phase of the project life cycle.

28. Draft a QA/QC grid for a current project as illustrated in Figure 10.3 A tool to brainstorm project and product/service QA and QC criteria, on p. 262 of the text. What does this inform you about quality in your project?

29. Describe the effect of not considering quality.

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Management Theories: Describe the effect of not considering quality - what is
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