Problem 1: Describe the effect of exercise on mineral need.
Problem 2: What are the minerals that are most likely inadequate in an athlete's diet? What is a major cause of low mineral intake and why?
Problem 3: What are the factors that increase or decrease calcium, iron and zinc absorption?
Problem 4: What are the minerals/hormones/vitamins involved in bone health? Briefly describe calcium homeostasis. What is the key to preventing osteoporosis and poor bone health? What group/types of athletes are at risk for poor bone health and why?
Problem 5: Describe the role of the mineral iron involved in blood formation. What athletes are likely to be deficient?
Problem 6: Describe the phases of the development of iron deficiency anemia?
Problem 7: What is the effect of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia on athletic performance?
Problem 8: What is the relationship between zinc and iron/calcium? (e.g. What do you need to consider with supplementation?)