
Describe the earliest chordates from early tunicate

Early Chordates and the Transition to Land

Describe the earliest chordates from early tunicate relatives through the development of vertebrate jaws and a transition to land.

Include in your answer:

a. a description of the form and function of the five essential chordate characteristics

b. a description of the feeding mechanism of a tunicate, a lancelet, an agnathan (such as Jamoytius), and an early jawed vertebrate (such as a shark).

c. a description of the evolutionary history and origin of jaws

d. a description of the habitat from which fishes emerged onto land and the reasons these habitat features supported the transition

e. a description of the adaptations of fishes that made them more successful in this habitat and which coincidentally pre-adapted them for life on land.

Following the essay Style Guide, list all sources used in writing your essay answers to the questions. Do not use in-text citations and do not use footnotes. Simply list your sources in this "Literature Cited" section.

You must have a Literature Cited section with at least five references which you have used in preparing your answers: the course website, the eText and three additional sources. 

Be sure to include the Literature Cited section with your submission to Turnitin; you will not be able to re-submit if you forget.

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Biology: Describe the earliest chordates from early tunicate
Reference No:- TGS0958507

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