Describe the double-blind technique and state the

ESSAY. Please give a full response to each component of the question. You must provide either a page number(s) or a reference section for each response. Summarize content in your own words. Responses to answers must use the provided course materials. You will not receive credit for responses which do not include the text page number(s)or the specific source reference from the course website. (video or Lecture Support Material)

Write each question in bold before answering.

1) If the experiment seems to be the pinnacle of research methods (because it allows us to set up cause and effect), why is the correlational method even considered?

2) Describe the double-blind technique and state the significance of it.

3) Imagine you work for a drug company that just created a medication to decrease anxiety in adults. Design an experiment using the appropriate research method that would allow you to best market your company's new pill.

4) Jack was hit by a drunk driver and sustained a severe injury to his left frontal lobe. What should Jack and his family expect now? What difference, if any, might Jack's age make on the situation?

5) Explain at least three of the following techniques used to study the brain: EEG, CT scan, MRI, PET scan, fMRI. What is the significance of these brain-imaging techniques?

6) Explain in detail how information is sent from one neuron to the next.

7) Define olfaction, explain its process.

8) Explain Gestalts Laws of Grouping.

9) Differentiate depressants from stimulants. Illustrate your understanding of these drug categories by including a discussion of specific drugs and explaining how they affect the brain.

10) Describe structuralism as a school of thought. What significant role did structuralism play in establishing the field of psychology?

11) Describe the two different types of twins and explain their significance to the field of psychology.

12) Explain in detail what causes hearing loss.

13) Define hypnosis and name 3 situations in which it has been successfully used. Additionally, use the 3 major theories of hypnosis to help explain this phenomenon.

14) How does each of the four major schools of thought (behaviorism, psychoanalytic theory, humanistic theory, cognitive theory) explain how an individual may develop depression?

15 Discuss the issue of Genetics (Nature versus Nurture)

For example "(pg. 145)" or (Video Title and Section or specific Lecture Support material location )

Book :
Title: Essentials of Psychology
Edition: 4th
Author: Nevid
ISBN: 9781285751221

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Dissertation: Describe the double-blind technique and state the
Reference No:- TGS01472302

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