Choose a disease caused by a microorganism (Staphylococcus epidermidis ) and write a 2 to 5 page essay detailing the disease.
The paper must include the following information:
? Define, explain, describe: The disease and its causative agent (bacteria, virus, prion) is described in detail
? Discovery: Full description and details about discovery of causative agent of disease, Where it is found, Who discovered it, What contributed to its discovery, How it was discovered, etc.
? Epidemiology: Is the bug contagious? How contagious is it? What are its morbidity and mortality rates? Information concerning the epidemiology of the bug should be detailed and complete.
? Signs and symptoms: Full description of signs and symptoms is covered
? Treatments and survivability: Is bug treatable? If so, how is it treated? Can it be cured? Can it be slowed?
? You can get creative with this! Write it as if you are a clinician.... write it as if you are a forensics specialist and someone used a bacteria or virus as a bioweapon.... write it as a mystery.... all kinds of possibilities!!!!
? Bibliography - At least 5 primary source