
Describe the differences between stable and unstable angina

1.Define coronary artery disease and identify the signs and symptoms of coronary artery disease.(1 learning objective)

2. Describe the differences between stable and unstable angina. What is Prinzmetal's angina/(1 learning objective)

3.Many older adults are prescribed antianginal drugs? What factors makes these patients more at risk for adverse effects? what nursing measures should be implemented when using antianginal drugs in older adults?(3 learning objective) Group Assignments;

1.As a group, prepared a poster presentation for a community health screening. Identify the therapeutics actions,indications,pharmacpkinetics,contraindications,most common adverse reactions,and the important drug-drug interactions for nitrates,beta-blockers,and calcium channel blockers.(2 learning objective).

2. As a panel group, compare and constrast the prototype drugs nitroglycerin,metoprolol,and diltiazsm to other drugs used to treat angina. Discuss the best indications for the use of each prototype medication.( 4 learning objective) Clinical Assignments;

1. Select a patient in the clinical setting who has been prescribed nigtroglycerin patches(transdermal system).What nursing considerations are appropriate when working with nitroglycerin patches? What is the rationale for each nursing consideration?(5 learning objective).

2. Select a patient in the clinical setting with angina.Identify the risk factors the patient has for coronary artery disease,including nonmodifiable risk factors,and the antiangina drugs the patient uses.Develop an individualized teaching plan for this patient that incorporates measures relate to risk factors and the prescribed medication.(5 learning objective).Web Assignment 1. conduct an internet search to determine the incidence of coronary artery disease in men and women in the united states.Identify the differences,including risk factors, in the two groups and how these differences impact care. Cite your references.

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Dissertation: Describe the differences between stable and unstable angina
Reference No:- TGS02526804

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