
Describe the difference between acute and chronic stressors


Senses and Endocrine System

The endocrine system plays an important role in our ability to handle stress. Hormone release associated with the stress response can help us to survive and handle crisis situations. However, chronic stress can result in unregulated release of stress hormones that can have negative effects on the brain and our immune systems. prepare a 2-3 page paper in which you:

1. Describe the difference between acute and chronic stressors

2. Describe the stress response and the effects of cortisol release on the human body. (With which division of the nervous system is the stress response associated?)

3. Discuss and label the components of HPA axis and its feedback mechanisms.

4. Discuss the pathologies associated with dysregulation of cortisol, focusing on the brain and the immune system.

Engage in independent research to learn about diseases of the endocrine system. You may want to begin your search in the book, Human Anatomy and Physiology: Cortisol: Physiology, Regulation, and Health Implications, on your ebrary bookshelf.

Select "Ebrary"from Trident's Online Library website: https://coursenet.trident.edu/onlinelibrary_main.php

You will find the readings on the Anatomy and Physiology I Ebrary bookshelf which can be accessed via this link as well:

Ebrary bookshelf (folder): https://site.ebrary.com/lib/tourou/viewFolder.action?sharedKey=DKSFJONSEEDWBRRYAZOBDBDMKFLLPYHR&userName=trmurray

Bobick, J and Balaban, N. "Sensory System," and "Endocrine System" Handy Anatomy Answer Book. Visible Ink Press. MI, USA. 2008. eISBN: 9781578592326

Brooks, Arthur. "Endocrine System." Systems of Our Body. Global Media. Delhi, India. 2007. eISBN: 9788189940829

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Biology: Describe the difference between acute and chronic stressors
Reference No:- TGS01913829

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