Realtor Database: Data Redundancy and Anomalies
• Conduct an in-depth examination and analysis of the database, Realtor.accdb. Apply the concepts of database systems that you have learned this week.
For example, you may want to include a definition and analysis of these concepts:
• Describe the data contained in the database.
• Describe the tables, fields, and records in the database.
• Describe the keys, indexes, and relationships in the database.
• Identify data redundancy and describe potential solutions.
• Identify data anomalies and describe potential solutions.
• Identify fields containing more than one item of data and describe potential solutions.
• Identify other design concerns and describe potential solutions.
The document should be written in Microsoft Word. The format should be APA style, double-spaced, and sufficient length to thoroughly complete the assignment (usually 2-3 pages). Be sure to cite your sources. Your final submission will be a Microsoft Word document.
Attachment:- Realtor.accdb