Describe the current state of digital broadcast radio

Discussion Post: Applying Multiplexing

• Complete the hands on project number 3 on page 146 of your textbook by researching three different communication company websites to find the data listed in the project.

• Write a minimum two page paper in current APA format that provides:

o An overview envisioned multiplexing
o A comparison of the technology currently being used by each of the selected organizations to the new technologies being implemented
o The impact digital radio has in comparison with other broadcast mediums

• Broadcast radio is one of the last forms of entertainment to go digital. Find the latest material describing the current state of digital broadcast radio and write a two-page report that includes the type of multiplexing envisioned and the impact digital radio will have on the current radio market.

The response must include a reference list. Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: Describe the current state of digital broadcast radio
Reference No:- TGS03196292

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