
Describe the current environmental setting in terms of

Report: Major Project Report

Your mark for Report will be awarded according to the criteria given below under each of the project activities.

1. Pavement design.

Must include the following information:

- Subdivision layout - Tables giving lot numbers and sizes. - Tables showing road names, AADT and the design traffic in terms of ESA, SAR5, SARI and SAR12.

- Design flexible pavement for each of the roads using CIRCLY; document each and every step of the design process.
- All the carriageways and T and cross junctions must be laid out on the drawing using MX Road.
- The carriageway must show the reserved road width for that road.
- All the design drawings must be presented as A3 sized PDF documents.
- Show all long sections on A3 sized PDF document for each of the roads with legible annotations.
- Show cross sections at 100 m intervals for each of the roads with legible annotations
- All long and cross sections must show both the ground and formation levels.

2. Design of intersections.
Must include the following information:
Summary table for each of the intersections, giving the peak hourly traffic flow rate for each of the road meeting at the intersection.
Use SIDRA Intersections software to calculate the delay time for the intersection.
- Determine the type of the intersection considering level of service required at the intersection.
- Calculate the delay time with the new intersection and check for the LoS.

3. Stormwater drainage design. Must include the following information:
- Identify the contributing total and sub-catchment areas.
- Identify the stormwater inlet points and the corresponding contributing areas.
- Calculate the amount of stormwater generated for a 1 in 10 year rainfall event.
Determine the size of the network of stormwater channels required.
Show the network of stormwater channels on the subdivision layout drawing using Microstation or other equiv-
alent CAD drawing software.

4. Economic assessment.
Estimate the overall cost of development of subdivision and the planned outlay of investment. The economic assessment must include:
- Draw mass haul diagram for all the roads and determine overhaul assuming 100 m free haul.
- Determine the bill of quantities of all the items.
- Get the unit prices from Rawlinson Handbook or any other reliable sources.
- Must quote the reference for each of the unit price chosen.
- Work out the planned outlay of the investment.
- Estimate the total present worth cost of the project using a discount rate of 5% and inflation rate of 3%.
Construction of the houses is not the responsibility of the developer, hence house construction must not be included as part of the economic assessment. Assume that the land can be purchased at $1 million per hectare.

5. Environmental assessment.
Must include the following information:
- Describe the current environmental setting in terms of physic-chemical, biological and socio-economic environ¬ment, and ecosystem.
- Identify significant environmental impacts.
- Evaluate the impact on the physico-chemical, biological and socioeconomic environment and ecosystem, and
construct impact matrix which includes magnitude of impact and importance of impact.
- Construct a Leopold matrix between environmental items and project activities.
- Assign both the magnitude and importance values. Magnitude can vary from -10 to 10. Importance can vary from 0 to 10.
- Both the magnitude and importance values must be assigned to all the project activities, for example, surveying,
land clearing, road construction, etc.
- Determine the overall impact score for each of the project activities and for the entire subdivision.

6. Project management and written communication.
This marking under this criterion will be based on:
- Gantt charts - Provide two Gantt charts (one for the group work and one for the construction of the subdivision).
- Describe how the tasks are distributed and the group managed; include minutes of the meetings and other evidences.
- Proper English expression, editing and layout Harvard style referencing
- Professionalism of Engineering Report
- Table of content and list of figures and tables
- Appropriate numbering of tables, figures, headings and sub-heading
Marking criteria provided under the next section includes the kinds of feedback comments you would receive for different grades for Report


Students are required to use Microstation, MX Road; Google Earth, SIDRA Intersections and CIRCLY design soft-ware to complete the project. The Project Reports must be completed in Microsoft Word. Only the Microsoft Word documents must be submitted to Turnitin. The report must include the outputs from the software. The outputs must be properly presented using tables, graphs and drawings with legible annotations. Some inputs and outputs screens may be included as graphical pictures.
Resources required include:
- Read the instructions and reference materials of various software.
- Follow the online tutorials for Microstation/ MX/ Open Road.
- Access and understand all the lecture, tutorial, practical and reference learning materials.
- Access to relevant CAD software and required IT facilities for running the CAD software. Most SCEM computers at Kingswood campus would have the required software installed.

You will have to use Mx road or 3D civil, and circly and sidra for the report.

Comply with the council guideline. Chosen a block of land located at box hill.

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Dissertation: Describe the current environmental setting in terms of
Reference No:- TGS02941159

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