
Describe the critical role of operationslogistics

Assessment information

Learning outcomes

Business Operations and Logistics is a core unit in the Master of Business (Operations Management). The unit introduces the principles of operations and logistics management which underpin the remainder of the course. It places operations management in context in a variety of organisations in service industries, manufacturing, government and non-profit. The unit introduces a range of techniques to analyse operations and logistics and improve processes as a means of building an effective organisation.

Learning outcomes for the unit are outlined below. Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to:

1. Describe the critical role of operations/logistics management plays in business organisations.

2. Explain the interactions between operations/ logistics management and other aspects of a business enterprise with a view of managing competitive priorities and dynamic capabilities for the long term competitiveness.

3. Evaluate the characteristics of various operations and logistics environments and assess their impact on business.

4. Identify and apply a variety of latest quantitative/ qualitative techniques to tackle operations/logistics management problems and interpret the results from a business management perspective.

5. Apply the skills needed to design, develop and improve operations and logistics systems.

6. Identify and analyse business situations and feel confident making and implementing decisions based on quantitative/qualitative analysis, marketing considerations, behavioural, political factors and financial considerations.

7. Analyse the key features of global operations and logistics and discuss the relevance, managerial considerations, advantages and limitations in depth.

Assessment summary

1. Group case study/field project report (2,500 words)

2. 2 x reflective reports (750 words for each report).

3. Final examination (2-hours, open book)

Assessment 1: Group case study/field project report


Group field study report is a practice/application based assessment. This assessment enables student to apply major techniques and models of operations and logistics management into a real business environment with an aim to analyse, develop and improve systems and processes. Students will be able to identify and analyse business situations and feel confident making and implementing operations management decisions on the basis of this analysis.


? As a group of a maximum of five members you have to research and analyse a real operations and logistics business problem (an improvement project), and solve the problem by applying appropriate approaches, models and techniques learned in the unit and write a structured report about it. The project can be a brand new one, recently initialised or an ongoing one within an organisation (manufacturing, service, government, non-profit etc.).

? Examples of the type organisations: manufacturing organisations, insurance company, fast food service, bank, library, hospital, medical clinic, university, public services or any other business that is aiming the design and delivery of products and services. It is your responsibility to approach an organisation.

? Select a particular process/method, operation, department or a business unit and investigate it. Discuss the improvements proposed and propose a system to ensure its maintenance and also discuss the assumptions and limitations. The systematic approach of the Operations and Logistics Management must be reflected in this section of the report. You need to prepare a cost-benefit analysis (based on approximate values) and also propose an on-going monitoring system for suggested improvement system.

? Note: This assignment will also be submitted to Turnitin and the hard copy will be submitted in the class.

Introductory material in the report ? Title page:

- The title should be descriptive of the contents and scope of the report.

? Table of Contents page:

- This should follow the title page. The Table of Contents lists the relevant sections of the report and the relevant page reference. This table must be prepared only after the report has been written.

? List of Tables and List of Figures:

- If the report includes many tables and figures, then a list of tables and a list of figures with page references must be included. These pages must come after the Table of Contents.

? Abstract:

- This must be about half a page and must not exceed one page. The abstract must be a brief summary of the contents of the report.

Structure of the report ? Introduction:

- This section is about the company overview it must contain a brief description of the firm being studied, its history, and important statistics (sales, number of employees etc.) and level of competition within the industry etc.

? Analysis of Operations and Logistics Management Practices:

- This section must link variety of theoretical concepts studied in class to the practical situation within the context of the firm studied. Issues /problems difficulties faced by the firm (if any) in managing operations and logistics should be discussed in this section. Highlighting the disadvantageous of current practices is a major part of this section.

? Discussion and Conclusions:

- This section must identify a new method, approach etc. to be implemented (explain why you have selected that specific approach or methodology and its relevance to the given situation) and its discussion of expected benefits. It should also summarise the major lessons learnt and recommendations.

? References:

- A list of all the sources consulted in carrying out the study must be provided. Sources of information should be duly acknowledged in the main body of the text as well.

? Appendices:

- This section will include additional tables, figures, summary of interviews etc. which were referred to in the report but not included in the main body of the report. The main body of the report must not be more than 2,500 words. This does not include the title page, table of contents, tables, figures, appendices etc.

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Operation Management: Describe the critical role of operationslogistics
Reference No:- TGS01119989

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