
Describe the criminal justice issue you have selected


For this assignment, you will select a contemporary issue that is negatively impacting the delivery of criminal justice-one that will be the focus of your final case analysis and recommendation brief. In this draft, you will demonstrate your understanding of the issue and its history, evolution, and development. You will need to focus on past and future criminological theories and policies behind the issue. Given your analysis of the issue, discuss the impact on society and what problems need to be addressed to remedy the negative ramifications.

Prompt: Specifically, the following critical elementsmust be addressed:

I. Introduction

a. Describe the criminal justice issueyou have selected. Specifically, how is this an issue in the field of criminal justice, what is the general impact of the issue on society, and why does the problem need to be addressed?

b. Describe the evolutionof theselected issuethroughout history, providing specific examples. In other words, how did this become an issue? What factors have caused the issue to evolve? For example, a regulation may have been created in the past to address an issue, but theregulation is nowirrelevant.

c. Describe the evolution ofthe historical perceptionof this issue, identifying key events and factors that influenced public perception. For example, did the public always view the topic as an issue? How has technology impacted public perception?

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Dissertation: Describe the criminal justice issue you have selected
Reference No:- TGS01562781

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