
Describe the context of the event an explanation of the

Write a 3-4 page essay (A) describing, (B) analyzing and (C) evaluating a speech.

Go to either:

https://www.americanrhetoric.com/top100speechesall.html https://www.americanrhetoric.com/21stcenturyspeeches.htm

And choose a speech to write your paper on.

The webpage will provide you with the essay of the speech and some have audio. You can Google the video of the speech.

Here are some guidelines for composing your essay.

(A) Describe

Describe the context of the event; an explanation of the speeches historical background; an explanation of the primary and secondary audiences of the speech; and an explanation of the structure of the speech.
(B) Analyze

Analyze at least three strategies used by the speaker to meet the needs of the audience at the event (audience analysis).
(C) Evaluate

Evaluate the success of the event; what the purpose of the speech was; if the speakers' purpose was achieved and how do you know if it was achieved.

Review the detailed Turnitin instructions on how to submit your assignments and how to review the Grademark comments (feedback) from your professor.

All written assignments must be submitted to Turnitin Dropboxes by the posted deadline. Assignments submitted by any other means will not be accepted.

Within one week after the assignment's deadline has passed, you will receive written feedback on your assignment. The written comments on your assignment are accessible using the GradeMark function within your assignment submission.

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Other Subject: Describe the context of the event an explanation of the
Reference No:- TGS02220244

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