
Describe the content of a traditional expatriate

Review case Local and international?managing complex employment expectations and answer below:

Your Case Study must be at least 1-2 pages in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material should have accompanying citations. Include an APA format title page and reference page with the assignment. The title page and reference page are excluded in the required page length.

1 Describe the content of a 'traditional' expatriate PaCkage, and the reasons of the company to provde such benefits! What Imitations do you see in the contract when it comes to handling  the company's emergency needs?

2 Make a SWOT anaysis of the Local International policy using nformaton from the case study.

3 Compare the employers' and employees' needs regardro reemational moiety on a local internaterel contract. What elements would have to be included in a package if they were to answer to these needs?

4 To what extent do you believe the distinction between the throe groups of assignment packages (expatriate contrad for expatriates, local meatonal contract la local mernatonal hires and local contract for external ntemational new. recites) to be fa? To this end (a) refer to equity theory and determine the referent person n each of the three cases and (b) discuss the role of procedural piston! what can the company do to provoke positive behaviotral Mentions intention in reaction to the packages.

5 What does the company need to take into bass? Forrnakze your argament s and propose a consideraton n order to make the Local suggestion of a policy framework?

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Other Management: Describe the content of a traditional expatriate
Reference No:- TGS01778974

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