
Describe the connection between the characters personality

Personality Theory Paper

Select a fictional character from television or film (a book may also be used if desired). Selections may include (but are not limited to):

· The Blind Side
· Rudy
· A Beautiful Mind
· Pursuit of Happy-ness
· Fearless
· The Fisher King
· Fatal Attraction (the movie, not the TV show)
· What about Bob?
· Girl Interrupted
· Gone Girl
· The Color Purple
· Harry Potter series
· Star Wars

Note: If you are going to use a character that is not from the above list, you will need to get prior approval before writing your paper.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you analyze your chosen character's personality using one theorist or theory from each of the following columns:

Column A

Column B

Column C



Five-factor model



Object relations










Search the University Library, the Theory Tables Learning Team Assignment, and other resources for information on each of the theorists or theories you selected. You must use a minimum of 3 cited sources in your paper: the text, a peer-reviewed journal article and one other source of your choosing.

Describe the connection between the character's personality and the theory used to explain it using relevant information such as direct quotes, descriptions of events provided in the movie, show or book, examples of interpersonal behavior, and so on.

Include the following components in the body of your paper (as well as a clear introduction and conclusion):

· A short synopsis outlining the demographic and background information of the chosen character

· An evaluation of how each of the chosen personality theorists or theories explains the personality of the chosen character, making sure to use one from column A, one from column B and one from column C

· A discussion of how the selected character's behavior might be interpreted differently, depending on which theoretical approach is used(for this portion, compare/contrast the theorists that you've been discussing, and their approach to the character)

· A discussion of the extent to which each chosen theorist or theory would address relevant social, cultural, environmental, biological, or unconscious factors that may be influencing the character's behavior(for this portion, use examples that demonstrate this relationship)

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines (keep in mind that in addition to providing citations, APA formatting also includes having an introduction and conclusion, as well as correct title and reference pages).

Note that if you are using a movie, it does need to be cited and referenced. A movie reference should look like this:

Producer Surname, First Initial. Second Initial. (Producer), & Director Surname, First

Initial. Second Initial. (Director). (Year). Title of movie [Format e.g. Motion picture or DVD]. Country where movie was produced: Name of Studio.
The citation for the movie should look like this: (Producer's last name & Director's last name, year).

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Dissertation: Describe the connection between the characters personality
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