
Describe the conflict situation using theories and key

Question: The appropriate disciplinary actions needed are not always apparent to those involved. That is one reason your textbook will be a wonderful reference book and a great start to your professional library. The manager who wants to be fair and just is one who gives great thought before administering discipline.

Read Chapter 26 in your textbook. After doing so, respond to each of the scenarios below for your initial post to this week's Discussion Board (150 words or more for each scenario). Be sure to also respond to at least two classmates (75 words or more per response).

A. June Skinner is an assistant social worker at Valley Cancer Treatment Center, where you are Director of Social Work (DSW). Barb Simmons, Senior Social Worker, was not back from lunch and so June was given a phone call pertaining to one of Barb's patients. Being inexperienced, June unintentionally shared information about a patient, Debbie Fox, over the phone with someone who was not authorized to be given medical information about Ms. Fox. That person was the patient's ex-husband. He told June that he was Debbie's father (who was on the list of people who could get information about Ms. Fox). Now the ex-husband is going to use the information against the patient in a child custody hearing. You, as DSW must deal with this situation and decide on the proper course of action. Describe the conflict situation using theories and key terms from your reading. In your response, also provide a course of action and justification for doing so.

B. You are the Food Services Director of St. Regis Hospital with a staff of 135 employees. The Senior Staff Dietician, Joe Smith, was dismissed on charges of embezzlement. The problem is, Mr. Smith had been with St. Regis for over 30 years, and was well loved by the food services staff. Since his departure, morale of the department has sharply declined. Explain your plan for using leadership skills to raise department morale and foster teamwork. Use pp. 479-489 of your textbook as a guide for your decision.

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HR Management: Describe the conflict situation using theories and key
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