Question 1: Worms ____.
A) can shut down an entire network
B) continue to grow as the Internet expands
C) use the spawn mechanism to ravage system performance
D) All of the above
Question 2: Which of the following statements is true?
A) An unsafe state is necessarily, and by definition, always a deadlocked state.
B) A safe state may lead to a deadlocked state.
C) A safe state is a deadlocked state.
D) An unsafe state may lead to a deadlocked state.
Question 3: Which of the following is most often used by operating systems to handle deadlocks?
A) Pretend that deadlocks never occur
B) Use protocols to prevent or avoid deadlocks
C) Detect and recover from deadlocks
D) None of the above
Provide the correct answer and justification for your choice.