
Describe the concept of truth in advertising

Can you please assist me with these questions. The response must be in one decent paragraph each.

Question 1. Describe the concept of "truth in advertising".

Question 2. Should there be any special ethical review considerations given to social media and online advertisements? Why or why not?

Question 3. What advertising approaches (radio, internet, magazines, TV, other?) should you take with Generation Y audience? Support your answer with examples of effective ads.

Question 4. Many would support the position that the less the government interferes with business, the better the outcome come for all involved. Correspondingly, businesses must be willing to act ethically and responsibly. Has the time passed for a need to have anti-trust regulation? Discuss an example pro or con about the impact of anti-trust regulations in recent years on business in the U.S.

Question 5. What is globalization? Why has globalization become such an important issue over the last ten years? Evaluate the future of international trade in the next ten years. How will globalization change financial management in the years ahead? What do you think will be the continuing issues and why? Which countries do you think will be the key players? What role will the U.S. play?

Question 6. Research an organization that has acted ethically in a given situation. Post a short summary of the situation and the outcome as well as your reaction to it. What did the organization do right? How can other organizations learn from this example?

Question 7. Identify and research a business ethics issue that has occurred in a corporation/community based outside of the United States. Summarize the facts of the issue and the resolution, if there was one. Compare and contrast the issue and the handling of the issue with ethical practices in the U.S. How would the outcome have been different if it happened in the U.S.? Is there something the business world in the U.S. can learn from the way the issue was handled?

Question 8. An old saying is that "when in Rome, do as the Romans do." Do you agree that when doing business in China, one ought to operate according to Chinese laws?

Question 9. Research a recent antitrust/regulatory case in the U.S. or abroad and post a summary of it (2 paragraphs). (Please do not research one that is set out as a Case Study in our text.) Analyze the actions taken. Overall, how well do you think the current regulatory system worked in this case? What could have been done differently, if anything?

The following are set out as Case Study in our text so please do not use any of these for question 9:

Enron, WorldCom, AT&T & T Mobile, The Nonmarket Environment of Google, Personal Watercraft, aka Jet Skis case, Pizza Hut and Health Insurance Reform, Gulf Still Grapples With Massive BP Oil Leak, Mattel: Crisis Management or Management Crisis.

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Other Management: Describe the concept of truth in advertising
Reference No:- TGS01854926

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