This is the guideline for your individual Paper on Project Management Methodologies/Framework.
- Start your research by visiting website (Project Management Institute) - the entity that sets best practices for project management and certifies Project Management Professionals in the industry
- Research the subject of Project Management Methodologies under Project Management Institute framework by reading articles, publications, white papers, case studies, etc.
Write up your findings in MS Word document that:
- describe the concept of Project Management Framework - under the Project Management Institute standards
- describe the business values and benefits of using the Framework when implemented towards projects in the organization - why should a company follow such a standard?
- describe the key phases of the framework and explain each of their importance to project management and the benefits
- describe the requirements to become a Project Management Professional (PMP) Certified by PMI
Your paper should include the following:
• Paper should be at least 4 pages in length (double or single space is up to you - quality of the writeup is more important than quantity of words)
• Paper should use In-Text Citation to References, and include List of References at the end of the paper following the APA format (see the following link for guideline)
• Paper should reference at least 4 sourcesof your research, and at least 3 of the sources must be from printed publications. Online version of a printed/published article/paper can be referenced as non-web based content, however make sure you reference it as its original published source
• Your paper should be informative (as if you are teaching someone who does not understand the field of Project Management), professional and presentable to any audience.