
Describe the components of your educational setting


I. Describe the elements of the political and social goals of schooling that most resonated with you and why, including any elements of post-2020 like the pandemic and social justice that Spring describes.

II. Describe connections you can make, or perhaps cannot make between your practice and the vignettes Kozol has in Chapters 1 & 2

III. Describe the components of your educational setting that you can connect to the Ordering Regime.

IV. Describe connections between the Economic Goals of Schooling (Spring) with elements from the chapter Preparing Minds for Markets (Kozol)

V. Detail one connection from each of the 2 chapters in Spring that you made to your own practice.

VI. From Chapters 5-7 in Kozol, choose one vignette that impacted you the most, and describe why.

VII. Detail connections you make between the elements that Spring describes concerning Multilingual and Multicultural education and the elements of local control, choice, charter schools and homeschooling. Is there any additional insights on these topics that come from COVID impacted schooling?

VIII. Where would you support what Kozol describes as answers to the challenge of segregated and inequitable schools?

IX. Describe connections and contradictions between the elements of State and Federal control in public schools, and the components described concerning the profession of teaching in the Spring text.

X. How does "COVID schooling" and the time that has passed since NCLB nuance or change the insights of Kozol in Chapters 10 and 11?

XI. Connect the current realities of schools today described in Chapter 11 of the Spring text with the goals for education articulated in chapters 1-4.

XII. Describe elements of the last chapter and Epilogue of the Kozol book that gave you a feeling of hope and optimism for the work of challenging inequity in schools.

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HR Management: Describe the components of your educational setting
Reference No:- TGS03360131

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