
Describe the company principal lines of business

Assignment task:

What to cover while answering

This section lists details about each of the company's products. Emphasis should be placed on relating the products to the needs of an identified group of customers. This process will demonstrate how the company will be able to service those needs in a manner that distinguishes it from competitors. Although this section includes several questions regarding the company's anticipated customer base, such issues also may be addressed in "Industry Background and Market Analysis".

Questions to answer-

1. Describe the company's principal line(s) of business.

2. For each line of business, describe the company's products.

3. For each line of business and related product, describe the actual or anticipated customer base and their specific needs with respect to the types of products offered by the company.

4. Describe the specific steps taken by the company to identify customer needs, including interviews, market surveys, research or beta testing.

Please explain with points in each question with long explanation and reference and citations


Gorilla Fitness is active in the fitness and gym equipment industry. This industry includes the design, manufacture, and distribution of equipment used in gyms, fitness centers, and individual homes for strength training, cardio exercise, and other fitness activities.

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Other Management: Describe the company principal lines of business
Reference No:- TGS03346707

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