
Describe the community


Part 1


In this assignment, students will conduct an assessment of a particular community of their choosing. Communities may be chosen from those discussed in class or others students are interested in. Each group should choose at least 3 different approaches to gather information about their communities. These include: existing studies/surveys, public data (e.g. Census, etc.), key informants (experts, staff, etc.), resource inventories, agency data, community observations, mapping, and/or primary data collection with community members (e.g. surveys, focus groups, interviews, public forums, etc.).

Each project will consist of a group component and an individual component (each member will take the lead on a specific issue). The suggested page guidelines are 8 to 12 pages for the group component and 2 to 4 pages for the individual sections.

1. Identify and describe the "community" you have selected

a. What are the "boundaries" of the community?

b. What are the demographics of your community (e.g. population size, age, gender, race/ethnic, income, etc.)?

c. Describe the historical context or other important background information that will help the reader better understand the community.

d. Why does your group think it is important to look at this community? Why is important for society to care about this community?

Juvenile crime

Juvenile crime can vary from person to person and can take place in a number of different settings. The types of crimes can vary with the age of the juvenile. According to the United States Department of Justice [USDOJ] (2018), a "juvenile is referred to a person who is not eighteen years old. The term juvenile crime is also referred to as a delinquent act. According to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the term delinquent act is defined as acts committed by an individual under the age of eighteen that can be prosecuted by court. As stated by the same office, "Delinquent acts include crimes against persons, crimes against property, drug offenses, and crimes against public order".


In Orange County, California juvenile crime is a concern as it is also a statewide issue. In Orange County the number of juveniles arrested in 2016 was 13 for every 1,000 youths. The juvenile arrest rate during the same year totaled 4,523 which accounted for 6% of arrest in the County. From 2014 to 2015 the number of school expulsions decreased; soon after, that rate began to increase. Some of the school expulsions are due to defiant behavior, drugs, or weapons on the school campus (Orange County Community Indicators, 2018).

2. Describe in detail the "methodology" or approach that you used.

a. What approaches are you using and why?

b. What sources of data or information did you use or obtain?

? Government and county websites

c. Where or how did you get your data?

? As previously stated, the data is being obtained from county and governmental websites for data specifically related to our population.

d. Include any supporting documents in the Appendix (e.g. questionnaires, surveys, etc.).

3. Describe your key findings.

a. How are decisions made in the community (a decision-making group, or participatory decision-making among all members, etc)?

b. Needs: What are some of the critical needs of the community?

c. Assets: What are the important strengths and resources of the community?

d. Include any figures or tables in the body of the paper and explain the important points illustrated by each one in the text of the paper.

4. Individual component: (your part)

(P: Substance Abuse) (Gang Activity Among Youth-G)

Based on your findings, identify and prioritize four key issues that are impacting your community. This section should be divided into the four sections, where each member will discuss his/her issue in more detail. These sections of the paper should be 2 to 4 pages in length.

a. Describe the issue

b. How does this issue impact your community?

c. What is the magnitude of this problem?

d. Why does this issue exist? What are some of the potential causes or factors?

e. Why is this issue a significant problem?

f. Suggest 2 to 3 recommendations for programmatic interventions

5. Conclusion: What are the key takeaways about your community you want the reader to remember?

6. Writing and APA style. Overall quality of writing (i.e., APA style formatted citations/references, grammar, original wording or direct quotes or paraphrasing formatted appropriately, coherence, progression of thought, etc.)

Part 2

So as I am reading this more I guess overall it's just missing the statistical data of Orange County, such as homeless rates of youth and the needs for Orange County. The majority of it is good, It's just more of a reflection than actual research. These topics were not specifically addressed with data that would support it, hope that makes sense.

Describe your key findings.

a. How are decisions made in the community (a decision-making group, or participatory decision-making among all members, etc)?

b. Needs: What are some of the critical needs of the community?

c. Assets: What are the important strengths and resources of the community?

d. Include any figures or tables in the body of the paper and explain the important points illustrated by each one in the text of the paper.

Based on your findings, identify and prioritize four key issues that are impacting your community. -homeless youth in OC

It starts off with county then country. Also, the county does have a majority that makes up the county so that would need to be added.

Orange County possesses a multicultural diversity in its population. No single ethnicity /race tends to become a majority in the country. The residents of the country have the best opportunities when it comes to accessing quality employment positions, health, and general well-being.

The decision makers are also not clear as to who makes the decisions and who makes up the stakeholders of the community.

Not sure about this sentence a---->As per a 2016 survey conducted by Social Science Research Center at California State University. (There's over 16 California state university's)

Attachment:- Organization Chart.rar

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Business Law and Ethics: Describe the community
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