Assignment Task:
1. Pick your favorite song and explain in two hundred words why the chorus of the song works.
2. Include a Spotify link
3. Properly cite your song reference in the following format: writer(s), copyright year, song title, recorded by.
4. What key is the song in? How many sharps or flats are in that key?
5. Describe the chord movement, instrumentation, feel, and sonic character.
6. Describe the melody (what intervals does it use?)
7. What octave range is the melody in? Bass or treble?
8. Use Tempo Tyrant to find the BPM. Include the BPM in your post.
9. What emotional reaction does the chorus elicit?
Adhere to proper Word formatting and please do not use profanity of any type in the posting.
Discussion Response: Discussion Response Formatting (The C.A.S.E. Method)
a. Continue the discussion in a positive manner (Continue)
b. Add something new to the post that the author didn't mention (Add)
c. Suggest ways the post can be improved (Suggest)
d. Endeavor to elevate the level of discussion with new ideas, encouraging comments, and insightful critiques (Elevate).