External Structures of Bacterial Cells
1. Describe the following features and their functions of a "typical" bacterial (prokaryotic) cell.Be able to identify them in a drawing or micrograph.
a. glycocalyx (include capsule and slime layer) c. fimbria e. cell wall
b. flagella d. pili
2. Define taxis and differentiate between:
a. positive and negative taxis
b. phototaxis and chemotaxis
3. Describe the flagellar arrangements below:
a. peritrichous c. tuft of polar/lophotrichous e. atrichous
b. single polar d. endoflagella/axial filament f. amphitrichous
4. What is a biofilm?
Bacterial Cell Walls -
5. Describe the chemical composition and function of the cell wall. Which bacteria lack a cell wall?
6. Compare and contrast the gram negative and gram positive cell envelope structure.